Rete ecologica di Frigole
Winning project
Design studio – Studio Alami
Project Manager – Fabiano Spano
Design team – Ester Maria Valentina Annunziata, Caterina Stasi, Valentina Marta Rubrichi, Arturo Imperato, Mirko Nicolardi, Cristina Petrachi, Francesco Saverio Matarazzi, Laura Mazzei, Alessandra Biasco, Giuseppe Alfonso, Giuseppe Scandone, Chiara De Rinaldis, Federico Paperi, Alessia Di Seclì
Partner – Città di Lecce
Typology – Candidatura al bando: POR PUGLIA 2014-2020_ Asse VI- Tutela dell’ambiente e promozione delle risorse naturali e culturali – Azione 6.6 “Interventi per la valorizzazione e fruizione del patrimonio naturale” – (FESR) Sub-Azione 6.6 a ”Interventi per la tutela e la valorizzazione di aree di attrazione naturale 3-Avviso Pubblico per la realizzazione di progetti della Rete Ecologica Regionale
Year – 2018
Site – Frigole, Lecce
The intervention area is on the coast of Lecce’s municipality, between Frigole and Torre Chianca. It’s and area considered of great importance for the protection of the biodiversity and birdlife. The area is criss-crossed by a dense network of natural and man-made canals . These canals are developped in parallel and across the coast line, through wood areas, swamps, coastal dunes, farmland or uncultivated land and urban areas. They are important connecting elements in the local landscape mosaic. It’s been fundamental to restore such connection as the land reclamation and the construction of the canals have significantly changed the territory and started the process of fragmentation of the eco-system. The regeneration project is divided in two kind of intervention: the ecological re-connection and the promotion of turistic and cultural fruition. The main goal has been to enhance the connecting function of the ecological corridors through interventions on the naturalistic system (canal riparian plantations and plantations in wet land) to improve movement and increase places to nest for the wild fauna. Therefore, the project wanted to enhance not only the water corridors but also the land ones, establishing ex-novo or integrating them where they were interrupted, In order to counteract natural aeres fragmentaion In these places we can identify places and paths of special interest that can be enjoyed with small constructions of infrastructures such as walkways, wooden platforms, birdwatching towers….etc.. in accordance with the natural and functional caractheristics of the area and promote eco-tourism . The juctions are connected between them through routes aleady existing or through paths in stabilized soil and walkways and build a “valorisation route” betwen naturalistic and historical heritage.