Infrastrutture verdi di Frigole
Design studio – Studio Alami
Project Manager – Fabiano Spano
Design team – Ester Maria Valentina Annunziata, Caterina Stasi, Valentina Marta Rubrichi, Arturo Imperato, Mirko Nicolardi, Cristina Petrachi, Francesco Saverio Matarazzi, Laura Mazzei, Alessandra Biasco, Giuseppe Alfonso, Giuseppe Scandone, Chiara De Rinaldis, Federico Paperi, Alessia Di Seclì
Partner – Città di Lecce
Typology – Studio di fattibilità tecnico – economica Bando POR PUGLIA 2014-2020_ Asse VI- Tutela dell’ambiente e promozione delle risorse naturali e culturali – Azione 6.6 “Interventi per la valorizzazione e fruizione del patrimonio naturale” – (FESR) Sub-Azione 6.6 a ”Interventi per la tutela e la valorizzazione di aree di attrazione naturale Avviso Pubblico per la realizzazione di progetti di Infrastrutture Verdi
Year – 2018
Site – Frigole, Lecce
The project area is a peri-urban area between the city of Lecce and the marina of Frigole, where the predominant landscape is rural: a countryside that reaches the coast and which currently lives suspended between the agricultural past and the present tourism development. The presence of Natura 2000 sites and land reclamation landscapes characterize the context. The area is heavily affected by land used for agriculture and by residential settlements. From an ecological point of view , the area vegetation is determined by the effects of the management of the land. These considerations have revealed the need to strengthen and recompose the green infrastructure system so as to increase the tourism rate in the area and to re-weld the mosaic of the green areas. In this context, green infrastructure is understood as a design strategy for redevelopment. The intervention consists in the definition of two rings, one of the land and one of the sea, hinged on the rural village of Frigole and connected by two (municipal) road links, one for the mixed traffic with a speed limit, the other exclusively for cycling and pedestrian. The priority actions of the intervention are: – mobility and use. The land loop and the sea loop connect different parts of the territory, having at the same time an educational ,recreational and ecological function, improving the usability of the area thanks to the regular presence of equipped resting areas and exchange car parks; – the connection of natural areas, the enhancement of the ecological connections between the sites and the reduction of the fragmentation of the habitat through new plantings; – the management with collaborative systems on a local scale, for example through initiatives involving local and public bodies in the cultivation of land with organic methods.