
Bacino di Aquatina di Frigole

Winning project

Design studio – Studio Alami

Project Manager – Fabiano Spano 

Design team – Ester Maria Valentina Annunziata, Caterina Stasi, Valentina Marta Rubrichi, Arturo Imperato, Mirko Nicolardi, Cristina Petrachi, Francesco Saverio Matarazzi, Laura Mazzei, Alessandra Biasco, Giuseppe Alfonso, Giuseppe Scandone, Chiara De Rinaldis, Federico Paperi, Alessia Di Seclì

Partner – Città di Lecce, Università del Salento

Typology – Studio di fattibilità tecnico – economica Bando POR PUGLIA 2014-2020_ Asse VI- Tutela dell’ambiente e promozione delle risorse naturali e culturali – Azione 6.6 “Interventi per la valorizzazione e fruizione del patrimonio naturale” – (FESR) Sub-Azione 6.6 a ”Interventi per la tutela e la valorizzazione di aree di attrazione naturale Avviso Pubblico per la realizzazione di progetti di riqualificazione integrata dei paesaggi costieri

Year – 2018

Site – Frigole, Lecce

The intervention area is located in Frigole (hamlet of Lecce), and is bounded by the perimeter of the Special Area of Conservation named Aquatina . This area is located within a larger district, with a high density of sites of Community interest, bordered to the north by the Rauccio regional park, to the south by the Le Cesine state reserve and towards the sea by Sic Mare. The Acquatina basin is a fragile area, subjected to opposing forces that determine its degradation: coastal erosion on the sea side and human action on the land side, with the consequent artificialization and urbanization of the coast and the fragmentation of the habitat. The project aimed to enhance the naturalness of the site, using naturalistic engineering and landscape architecture techniques to make possible to use it sustainably. The main purpose was to combine the protection of natural environments with their tourist fruition, pivotal point around which turns the environmental sustainability, in an attempt to preserve the natural landscape and the environmental assets for the future generations.

LECCE 73100
Vico degli Alami 10

MILANO 20144
Via Bergognone 34, c/o BASE


©StudioAlami 2021

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