Nuova stazione FAL di Modugno
Project Manager – Fabiano Spano, Berardo Matalucci
Design team – Valentina Marta Rubrichi, Anna Sara Lanni, Federica Silipo, Carmine Leone
Assignment – Progettazione paesaggistica e architettonica dell’interramento ferroviario
Customer – Ferrovie Appulo Lucane
Year – 2013
Site – Modugno, Bari
The project of putting a railway section of the Ferrovie Appulo Lucane (FAL) underground in the city of Modugno and the displacement of the national railway line offer the opportunity to consider the area as an intersection of several organisms, in a process of requalification and reconnection that embraces multiple scales of influence and systems . The FAL line constitutes a fundamental infrastructure to guarantee the connection between Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria regions, with an extensive territorial basin and a strong turnout. The city of Modugno is configured as an urban gateway to the city of Bari, but above all as a connection node with the national railway and road network. The historical development of the city suggests how the railway line has determined a strong separation between the different parts, such as to bring the planning of the urban fabric to a marked diversification. Then, the system of the “Lame” introduces a very important imaginative vocabulary in the development of the entire project, since it represents a natural infrastructure that already existed in the area. The Lame are shallow erosive furrows for conveying water in the event of rain, therefore substantially dry in normal periods. They are typical of the Apulian landscape and of the Bari area, historically used as connection channels between the towns in the region. The project proposal provides for their enhancement and insertion on the existing network, so as to reconnect urban centers and historical-cultural places with a network of natural routes of very high value. The definition of an Urban Park, interconnected with the Lame, becomes a fundamental prerequisite for the production of important touristical flows based on the ecology and beauty of this territory. In this sense the new station will also be a focal point for reaching the touristical routes in the hinterland of Bari. It is also planned to coincide with the movement of the national railway line to a course outside the city of Modugno.